
Manage by Exception: Data-Driven Practices to Improve Product, Systems, and Software Quality

Requirement errors in product development cost time and money and create potential liabilities. The expense of these errors can make up between 70% and 85% of all rework costs.

When leaders don’t have data related to the execution process, teams aren’t tracing requirements back to the “‘why’,” and when there’s a lack of insight into aspects like verification coverage, you’re much more likely to encounter programs late in the development cycle, resulting in expensive problems.

This creates the all-too-familiar scenario seen in the news of product, systems, or software defects and the resulting fallout. Organizations can avoid many of these challenges by accessing the right data at the right moment — and ideally early — in the development process.

Download our whitepaper to learn more about:

  • Why ‘data-based management’ is critical, and how it uncovers gaps
  • Examples of exceptions in daily product, systems, and software development and requirements management
  • Critical metrics to consider
  • How to proactively prevent exceptions using Jama Connect Advisor™ and Live Traceability™