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1Blog Post

Adopting MBSE: Challenging the Status Quo

  This blog contains excerpts from a whitepaper titled, The Comprehensive Guide to Successfully Adopting MBSE, written by Lou Wheatcraft.  Adopting MBSE: Challenging the Status Quo in Product Development For product development teams to successfully implement a practice such as model-based systems engineering (MBSE), it requires the willingness of an organization to perhaps change processes […]

2Blog Post

Adopting MBSE Part IV: Use a Pilot Project

This is Part 4 of a blog series covering a whitepaper titled, The Comprehensive Guide to Successfully Adopting Model-Based Systems Engineering MBSE. Visit Part I, Part II, and Part III. 04: Determine the Future State the Organization Needs to Be At The descriptions made previously for each of the ten areas of capability represent the level of capabilities […]

3Blog Post

Adopting MBSE Part III: Developing a Roadmap to Successfully Adopting MBSE Within Your Organization

This is Part 3 of a blog series covering a whitepaper titled,The Comprehensive Guide to Successfully Adopting Model-Based Systems Engineering MBSE. Visit these links for the rest of this series: Part I, Part II, and Part IV. Developing a roadmap to successfully adopting MBSE within your organization In this section, we provide a general approach or roadmap […]

4Blog Post

Adopting MBSE Part II: What Does It Mean to Practice SE From a Data-Centric Perspective?

This is Part 2 of a blog series covering a whitepaper titled,The Comprehensive Guide to Successfully Adopting Model-Based Systems Engineering MBSE. Visit these links for the rest of this series: Part I, Part III, and Part IV. Adopting MBSE What does it mean to practice SE from a data-centric perspective? Successfully adopting MBSE and moving toward a […]

5Blog Post

Adopting MBSE Part I: Key Factors Associated with Successful MBSE Adoption

This is Part I of a blog series covering a whitepaper titled, The Comprehensive Guide to Successfully Adopting Model-Based Systems Engineering MBSE. Visit these links for the rest of this series: Part II, Part III, and Part IV. Introduction  In a previous paper, we discussed key questions concerning Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) including what MBSE is, […]

6Blog Post

MBSE is Not SysML

With the trend of organizations practicing Systems Engineering to move towards what is referred to as “Model-based Systems Engineering” (MBSE), there are various perspectives as to just what is meant by MBSE. Similar to the old story of the blind men and the elephant, MBSE cannot be effectively practiced when viewed from just one perspective […]

7Blog Post

Eliminating Barriers to MBSE Adoption with Jama Software’s Traceable MBSE™

An organizational paradigm shift from document centric to model-based systems engineering can be daunting. The learning curve for systems engineers can be steep and the return on investment is often not immediately apparent.   In a recent workshop on MBSE adoption, we walked through how Jama Software for Traceable MBSE™ can be used to eliminate common MBSE […]

8Blog Post

Jama Connect for Traceable MBSE™: The Chameleon

Have you ever heard the saying that a systems engineer is the chief cat herder? Have you as systems engineer ever been branded as the person who asks “Why?” all the time? A systems engineer often perceived as the person that says, “Why do you need that? No, that won’t work. No, that is out […]

9Blog Post

Getting Started with Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

For companies building complex systems whose stakeholders come from diverse engineering and business disciplines and need to have very precise and efficient communications, Jama Connect provides a collaborative, 100% web-based MBSE platform and a proven systems engineering approach to product development. Jama Connect provides a path to companies embracing MBSE where the application of collaboration, modeling, and methods reduces time and effort across the lifecycle. We call that path Jama Connect for Traceable MBSE™.  […]

10Blog Post

MBSE Tool Maturity – Where does your organization stand?

My initial intention for this blog was to talk about what I describe as MBSE tool maturity levels. And I will surely get around to those levels. But first I think it is important to draw attention to the definitions of MBSE that experts use and offer some observations that might be helpful to those […]